Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's day 2009!only me n mum...

my fish and chips!nice...mix with the lemon juice!

see...she was so busy eating....damn hungry leh...

Tissue...folk...and knife...

forgot the name of this...smthg called dory fish...mum's one

want add more pepper and salt?

waiting for food.........hungry...late lunch for my mum

3 types of side sauces for you to enhance your dish!nice!

The Manhanthan Fish Market menu...

nice decor at Sunway Pyramid toilet...haha

insist to have a light make up for mother's day celebration!hehe...nice mood with a pleasant make up!hehe

This year only me and mum went for the mother's day celebration as my sis was busy with her out standing task at home..and my brother was busy prepare for his PMR logistic exam...anyhow, my sis did bring mum for a great meal at dunno japanese restaurant at Mid Valley dayt b4 Mother's day.
I was running out ideas on where and what to do for my mum this year...ask friends around and ideas were gathered and last, i decided to bring her to Sunway Pyramid!

1st stop is to cure her stomach!she has been waiting my treat since morning man!

2nd stop was shopping around.

3rd stop was Reborn Reflexology.

4th stop is a light and massive dinner.

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