Monday, May 11, 2009


what r u doing Terence....hahaha... exhausted look after fin played...

the insight of the indoor badminton court

my " gar chang"

Our " gar chang" on the bench...

Went to Taman Connaught, Cheras to play badminton.

Took Star Lrt to Station Tasik Selatan and my dea friend came pick me up.

It was so excited as all of us were first time play with each other!
But lack of rest made my mind blur on the way to meet my friends.

2hours of badminton game...i was played by the rules....hahahaha....i do not like rules....overall I have a great time playing!

I have an agreement with my dear friend to have a badminton game regularly once a week alternatively at his place and my place.So excited bout it!At last found a game mate for badminton on regular basis!yeah!

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