Sunday, April 5, 2009

Belon is me...gagagaga

so busy!Busy eating...hahahaha

“I envy u la…can eat whatever you like and you will not get fat! huh! not fair!” I told my friend the other day who is a really skinny gal from my view of point (in fact everyone of her friends also claims that she is skinny okay….and she still complains that she is fat???!!) Hey my friend, what’s wrong with you ar?

I know my body. I am like a belon. I can lose weight easily if I eat less. I gain weight when I eat ANYTHING. ANYthing means really anything…floured made foods are my enemy!nice food is irresistible! OH you are so evil!!


  1. really belon lo...haha
    where izzit wo....

  2. aiyo, belon ke tak belon, u're too skinny leh... mz eat more food, take good care of urself ;) post more updates ya!

  3. abit blur lo the photo~~cnt c clear whether is a belon or nt..kaka ^O^ definitely is a cute n pretty belon lo~~hehe ^_^

  4. To my dear gor:
    yayaya...i really macam belon edi bro kandung oso said i macam fei mui zei edi!gerk sum...aih...borrow me jarum plz..wanna burst the belon la!!

    To my dear Heather:
    HAHA...i have gained weight lots lately ar Xuan...really de!!u will noe when u see me nextime!wanna burst my belon edi!lately been time to update my lovely i m bec la!I will post more pic nextime!at this time being i still not yet gaodim my czwrks......tmr duedate lo....dun worry, sure i will gaodim them by tmr!yeah!phoebe go go go!

    To my dear Ali:
    haha..tatime i was nt round as lately! is big belon edi la!

    hehe...finaaly saw what u hv written to me here...after that day at McD u told me u have posted me smtg i pun nt yet go check out..i still not yet gaodim my malas bit 1st...later continue to do lo...

    thx ya...hopefully la i forevr cute n pretty la...gagaga...
